Hulk Smoothie/ ice cream

A huge problem I have with my kindergartener is his diet. He is so stubborn and picky and has not problem skipping the meal if it's not one of his 5 favorite foods..... Getting him to eat his veggies has required some creative trials and error. One of the success stories is the Hulk Ice Cream or as most would call it a smoothie. He likes it so thick you have to use it a spoon and calling it ice cream is more fun! Ingredients 2 bananas agave syrup to taste ( we add 1 squeeze) I bundle/ bag of fresh spinach ice I have a vitamix blender which I love!! If you dodon't have a strong blender I recommend buying crushed ice to make the blending eaiser. 1. Peel the bananas, break in half (perfect step for children to help) and put in the blender. 2. Put in 2 handfuls of spinach ( we started with 1 handful and now use 2, you can decide how much you like it's subjective) 3. Add in agave or other sweetener of your choice. I use 1 squeeze. 4. Add about 2 cups of ic...