2 epis, swelling, and the TUBE IS OUT

Lets start with the wins! I was able to maintain a calorie count and body weight for 10 days with feeds turned off so a few days ago I was able to have my NJ tube out!!! This has helped me so much!!! I was having mild swelling on and off the last 3 weeks in my throat as a reaction to the tube itself (thank you MCAS) and had to use my EPI PEN 2 times the day before because the swelling was affecting my ability to breathe. I was so relived when it ended up being just a few hours in the ER for that one! I was given fluids, iv steroids', and iv benedryl and thankfully sent home because they didn't want to mess with my tube without my GI approving and thankfully the next day I was given the okay to remove it. I started losing my vocal range about 2 weeks into having the tube due to swelling and tension so I am so excited to get my voice back into shape and singing as much as possible now. Now as much as it caused issues I was able to be out of the hospital and it saved me from pass...