Finding joy in the midst of chaos

So I won't try to sugar coat it, this past week was awful! It started with Miss marvel, Noah's beloved pet hamster which we have only had for a month dying suddenly. This was my child's first experience with loss and it was so hard to see him in so much pain! My amazing Husband was able to help him work through some of the pain by putting it in comic book terms and relating it to Thanos and the Avenger's movies. ( Thank God) Noah also had a rough appointment at the Nephrologist where we found out despite high doses of Vitamin D, his levels are still insanely low and the reason he has such low energy and all over bone pain. He had to get another blood draw and completely melted down and it became an extremely stressful situation. He is suspected to be on the spectrum but the testing keeps getting cancelled or delayed due to covid. He has had 5 different hospitalists from 3 different hospitals think he is on the spectrum but getting it official will help get him more su...