Blessed but Stressed- January Update
Sometimes it is so easy to become overwhelmed by how much I have lost these last few years, first with Noah's health decline and then with my own. I miss teaching more than I could possibly express! I miss my students and often think about them and wonder how they are doing, not just musically but in life in general. My studio students I used to see daily and now I haven't seen most of them in over a year. I miss being able to take a shower by myself, driving and being well enough to do errands or going out without having to plan meds and what not. The past month has been hard on me healthwise. I've been just hanging on the really sick but not sick enough to be hospitalized in a pandemic. My primary said if our hospitals were not over run at the moment he would send me as a direct admit for 4 or 5 days to get the tests I need to get me on the road to recovery sooner. all December I called and left messages for my GI and for one full month I did not receive a call back. In...