Jeremiah 29:11- weekly bible verse -week 1

I picked this verse because it's one that I like to think of when I am stressed about the future. This past week especially when I discovered my financial aide seems to not have gone through on time so I may be stuck paying all my tuition plus books and be issued a refund at the end of next month....For me right now that's stressful because college, isn't cheap and of course I have to buy all sorts of back to school supplies for both of my boys at the same time. However the Lord knows what he wants for me and when, everything is, is in his time not mine. It's funny as i just typed those words I thought of my church's VBS theme "In God's Time" I spent over half my day crafting all sorts of things for it, including cutting fabric letters to spell this phrase out. How fitting that I would have these words in front of me when I am stressed out and in need of the comfort in knowing that God has it covered... it may be be when and what I want but he...