Guardians of the Galaxy ... movie review from a christian parent perspective

For those that don't know Gardians of the Galaxy is a new off beat type super hero movie that came out this weekend. It is in the Marvel ( Avengers, Hulk, Captain America, Iron man, Thor...) universe and will tie in with the next Avengers movie however this one is different. I personally enjoyed the movie, and I eagerly await the next one. However with my Christian mommy eyes would I allow my children ages 5 and almost 8 watch it? No! I did allow them to see the avengers and iron man at home where I could fast forward through parts but this movies has several things about it that make it clearly for adults or children over 13... hence the pg13 rating
**spoiler alert don't read on if you don't want to know details about the movie***

1. The first scene has the main character as a young boy and you see him lose his mom to an illness .... This can upset most children but you know your child best, it's a peaceful passing and not violent.

2. The super heros are far from role models... that are all criminals and want to kill or capture each other

3.The words stupid, bastard, bitch, and dick were used .... I may let a stupid slide when my boys are watching something but I don't allow them to hear any of this other words no exceptions... here is where watching a movie at home and having a mute button could be handy if you would otherwise let them see the movie.

4. You see a girl blow up..... it's not bloody but it's graphic and could be upsetting.

5. I like that there are no sex scenes, however it is implied... There are also jokes in a sexual nature which I myself didn't find offensive but again they were not okay for 12 or under.

6. Lots of guns, violence,  and weapons. ... I know a lot of christian families that have no problem with this because all the other children watch them..... I pick and choose.. I allow maybe one super hero cartoon that is made for children a week and no more that one of the movies in  a month... it's a rare thing and before we talk about real and pretend and after we discuss it as well. I also try to bring God into the conversation and ask them what they think God would think of a certain characters actions.

Every parent knows what's right for their children I hope this review helps you to make an informed decision about taking your children to see this movie or taking your significant other or friends. Please comment below and let me know what you think.


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