6 Reformation Day Printables and lesson

I know this post is a little late for this year but here are my favorite go to sites for Reformation day printables and crafts!

Protesant Reformers Notebook This link takes you to a post by the Notebooking fairy where note book pages are ready to print out with Reformers photos already on them! It's great for about 3rd grade and up!

Home School Reformation lesson- this is a unit on the Reformation of the church on a home school website, it is not just the Lutheran Reformation, it covers many Reformers. It has lots of useful info and handouts. This is for older elementary or middle school ages children

PIN the Beard PDF it's just like pin the tail on the Donkey of pin the beard of a famous reformist instead! Great for young Sunday schoolers!

Printable Coloring book This reformation themed coloring book is perfect for ages 2 to kindergarten.

95 Thesis pdf Just like the name implies it's the 95 thesis that you can print out and tape together like a scroll. I recommend this for 7th grade and up. Or even print it out and tape to the door to give any child an idea of just how much 95 thesis is!

Martin Luther Maze- I have yet to met an elementary student that doesn't like a maze! This maze has martin Luther on it and asks you to help him start reformation day.


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