My DIY Fabric Mask

Cut out the pattern of your size.
  1. Fold the main fabric into halve with the wrong side facing each other, pin the paper pattern onto the double-layered fabric.
  2. Cut it out
Repeat with liner
Remove pins and paper pattern, get set to sew.
  1. Turn the face mask main piece with wrong size facing out, sew the curve part  of the face mask.
  2. You can iron the seams to make it lay more flat if you desire, i didn’t but it is the proper way.
Repeat the sewing on the lining part.
Place The liner and patterned part together wrong side facing out. 
 The main fabric of the side ear area is longer than the lining piece. We will sew the elastic to this.
  1. Sew the two pieces together along the top and bottom.
  2. Turn right side out
I left the liner open at the ends so I can remove and place filters. Some filters like coffee filters need to be thrown away and not washed where interfacing can be washed and reused. Remember to wash your mask after every use, it’s best to have several per person. ALSO wash your hands after you take your mask off.
Cut your elastic to the length you want 6-9 inches seems to be good for most, remember you want a tight but comfortable fit. Sew about ½ inch of elastic on each end of the side and fold the side over so it covers the elastic but doesn’t close up the liner, see photos,


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