Here is a quick video update on what's going on with my health. It's been an emotional week and I am happy to report I got some good news and things are moving in the correct direction!
Why? Mathew 6:3-4 But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.
While I was driving my 3rd grade son to his 2nd day of school he looked at his new sharpener and came up with what I think is a great analogy. Children can just blow your mind away with things that they say. What would your child say God is like?
I’ve mentioned Addison’s before but I want to go into more details on what exactly this is. My body stopped making enough of stress hormone called cortisol. Those that know know the last two years I have have to fight for my youngest in what was a never ending battle to get him medically stable. Earlier this year he had a central line and was in and out of the PICU. I find it kind of funny for all things to not work in my body is that fact it’s not making the stress hormone. I joke with my doctors that I used my life supply already! So cortisol is something my body produces in response to physical and emotion stress on your body. Without it you can go into acres all crisis and slip into a coma and die. It’s not to be taken lightly. Things I have experienced this summer they have linked to my low cortisol levels are, nausea, rapid weight loss ( sounds great but actually miserable) hypoglycemia, hypotension, tachycardia, vommiting, abdominal pain, chest pressure, weak limbs, f...
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