

Hello my lovely readers, I thank each and everyone of you for following my epic health journey and supporting me! The last month has been so brutal I finally got my G/j tube and am on tube feeds however I have not made my goal rate yet. I am currently getting about 60% of the calories I need daily from the tube. I am trying a new Kate Farms Formula called Peptide 1.0 in hopes I can get more in that way.

My blood levels dropped several times the past two weeks which resulted in hospitalizations, blood transfusions, and iron transfusions. My iron levels are so low I can't make more blood and I am slowly leaking blood somewhere they just can't find it. I will go for more Iron next week. 

Mother's Day was the last time it dropped and I began to swell so bad I gained about 15 pounds overnight and it majorly stressed out my heart. I'm starting to swell slowly again this week which greatly increases my all over pain. 

These photos were only taken 24 hours apart, all the swelling came on fast and hard.

Of course this is the week my husband, Harold returned to full time work ( plus his part time church job) so it's been rough trying to make everything work and trying to do more on my own. I want to try and raise funds to get a walker/ wheelchair Combe that is light enought for me to move on my own which will allow me to get around alittle eaiser on high pain days when I don't have help. Of course these things are expensive. The model I am looking at is here Walker/ transport chair combo

My venmo is 

Anyone who donates $10 towards my fund will get a crochet thread bookmark ( message me and tell me what color you want) and a donation of  $50 will get you a custom crochet doll! Again just message me and I will get the details of what you want! 

Any profits from my Origami Owl shop will also go directly to this fund as well so if you were thinking about shopping now is the time to stock up and know you are helping me out at the same time! OrigamiOwl Shop


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