Prayer Flowers


My health has been up and down since 2020 and lately I've been in the hospital more often than not. Some of the medications I take can make my eyesight blurry or hard to focus. Which as you can imagine makes crocheting complex things hard. I also have neuropathy and raynaud's in my hands so big projects are out! 

I used to love to make prayer shawls but I came up with a quick and easy for me project called Prayer Flowers! 

I pray for the person that will receive them while making them and then give them out. They can go in a pocket or purse , or placed somewhere in your home as a reminder that you are loved by God and he is there. They are soft and something easy to hold in your hand when you need a little extra help in the prayer department!

What do you think? Would you like the pattern for prayer flowers? Comment below!


  1. cool idea and yes would love the pattern. so sorry for your health issues and praying for your healing. Praise Him for the new ideas he is giving you in ways to minister even in your sickness. Great ideas for others in similar situations.


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